All instruments are done by blue may
go to my soundcloud page, or message me there too, as well, https://soundcloud. Com/bluemay
Hi! This song is (for a while) free to download! It would be nice if you would "like & comment" on the song before downloading it.. (under the other download links you will find other versions of this song, including 3 different mixes, e. G. The killya mix)
thank you! The artist
Djartistproducereventmanager for technogenre. Badboyngoodguy no satanista! Not the beast! :) (dont b scared:)(my music speaks 4 me:)
Djartistproducereventmanager for technogenre. Badboyngoodguy no satanista! Not the beast! :) (dont b scared:)(my music speaks 4 me:)